Packaging Adobe Audition Projects for Collaboration

Every once in a while, we all run into the situation where we need to move a project that we've been working on from one system to another, and even when we try to be clean and careful about where we store all our files, accidents can happen. So how can you make sure everything you need to run your Audition project is there when you or a partner get to another computer?

As it turns out, there's a quick and easy way to make sure everything you need to open your Adobe Auditon project later is in one place - we call this "packaging," and I personally do this with every story I finish once its done, just to make sure I can revisit it later without any problems if the need arises.

Create a Clear Folder Structure

When you use this tool, Audition will pretty much dump everything into a single folder without much organization. Because of this, you want to make sure you've already set yourself up for success by creating a folder just for this packaged version of your project. For me, this often means saving everything inside an "Archived Projects" folder, then another folder with the story slug.

Actually Export the Project

Open up your existing session in Adobe Audition and wait for everything to load, then.... 1. Go to the File menu and choose Export > Session... 2. Name the file the same thing as your slug so you can be sure this is the definitive version when you're browsing through your archive later. 3. Click Browse... and navigate into that folder you choose earlier, then hit Open. 4. Under format, choose Audition Session (*.sesx). 5. Make sure Include markers and other metadata in session and Save copies of associated files are both checked. 6. Optional, Not Usually Recommended: To create a smaller, lower audio quality version of your session, click Options, then check the box labeled Convert files and choose a new format. 7. Click OK and watch the project export. Close Audition and you should be all set!

Copyright 2017 KBIA and The University of Missouri. Development and Design by Nathan Lawrence.